The Perfect 19.25 oz
OK, so you’re here because on some level you like the experience of Brown Water, right? Me too! Now that we are friends and all, let me tell you about my steins. When we first bought our house Wife was actually considering getting rid of the bar to have more seating area in the living room. We agreed to keep it and freshen it up with tile, paint, etc (all her vision btw and I love it!). Then my part started with how to stock it properly without going bankrupt and without selling out my vision of long term usability with being true to a relaxed environment. I always hate going to someone’s house and their glassware is so nice I’m always afraid I’m going to break it.
I had really just a few guidelines that to share that led me to this glass. I wanted something that would be A) cost effective B) hold a pint with room for head and slosh (my friends are messy) C) fit easily on my shelves (sorry pilsner) D) be acceptable for ANY beer style (this is key folks) E) have a handle F) thick walled for durability [see B] G) look cool
I found these Libby 19oz Dimple Stein mugs online and picked up 2 cases (48 mugs) for less than $150 or for the granular out there, around $3 a glass. Listen up, that is a really good deal, $3 a glass. If I have these mugs for 30 years that’s 10 cents a year for mugs. 48 also seemed like a good number to have enough to make it 30 years without running out due to breakage and such.
I’ve drank all the styles from this mug and it’s great! Do I own pilsners and tulips? Sure! Do I use them? Nope.
If you like my ideas, great, but still take another step and see if there is something that might fit you even better. The goal here is to buy once and never buy again so you can put your brainpower towards other things, like investing that money you saved on glasses.